How to Set up WooCommerce
You will be able to entirely customize the WooCommerce WordPress plugin templates pages in this section.
Navigate this section from the Customize > WooCommerce settings. In WooCommerce settings you can edit/modify the following sections:
- Store Notice: In this section, you can edit your header store notice :
- Store Notice: This setting will allow you to set/change the text for store notice
- Enable Store Notice: This setting will enable/disable the store notice on the entire site.
- Product Catalog: This setting has the following options:
- Shop page Display
- Category Display
- Default Product Sorting
- Products Per Row
- Rows Per Page
- Product Images: This setting has the following options:
- Main Image Width
- Thumbnail Width
- Thumbnail Cropping
- Check Out: This setting has the following options:
- Company Name Field
- Address Line2 Field
- Phone Field
- Privacy Policy Page
- Terms and Conditions Page
- Privacy Policy