How to Manage Front Page Options – Banner Slider Section
You can set the banner pages/posts and set different other options for the banner Slider section.
- To configure the Banner Slider section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Banner Slider Section.
- In this section pane, you can Enable/Disable the Banner section to display Banner on the Frontpage otherwise disable to hide.
- Right after enabling the Banner Slider section, you can set the following settings:
- Enable Banner Overlay: This setting allows the user to enable banner image overlay. ( this setting is only available in banner style 1 ).
Enable Dark Content: This setting allows the user to enable dark content in banner section.
- Select a content type: Page or Post or Product for the Banner section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Post, Product) which allow the user to select a page/post/product to display as a Banner.
- Selecting Post/Product as Content Type allows you to select a post/product (Existing post/ product) to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/product as a Banner. *After selecting the desired content type as post/ product, you can now set the following section for the banner:
- Button Label: You can set the label for the button.
- Button Link: You can set the link for the button.
- Video Link: You can add a Video link in this section.
Services Section
In this section, you can set/ customize the Services section.
- To configure the Service section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Services Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable/disable the Services section to display/hide the Services Section. After enabling the Service section, the user will see the following options:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the Service section.
- Section Text: This setting allows the user to set the Section text for the Service section.
- Icon: You can add an icon for the Service Section.
- Custom Title: In this section, you can add the custom title for the Service Section.
- Custom Title Link: In this setting, you can add a link for the Service.
- Short Description: You can custom add a description for the Service.
Categories Section
In this section, you can customize the categories section.
- To configure the Categories section, you need to navigate to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Categories Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable the Categories Section to display the categories section on the frontpage and can disable the section to Hide the Categories section on the frontpage. After enabling the Categories Section, the user can set the following options:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the Title for the categories section.
- Section Text: This setting allows the user to set the Text for the categories section.
- Select Taxonomies: This option allows the user to select the desired taxonomies to display in the categories section.
- Select Category: You can select existing Categories to display the posts of the category for the Category Section.
- Category Image: This setting allows the user to set the image for the individual categories section.
Product Section
In this section, the user can set the Product section.
*Note: You need to install and activate WooCommerce to customize this setting.
- To configure the Product section, you need to go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Product Section.
- You can enable the counter section to display the Product section on the front page and disable the product section to hide.
- After enabling the Product section, the user will see the options to set:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the section title for the Product section.
- Section Text: This setting allows the user to set the section text for the Product section.
- Select a content type: page or post for the Product section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Product, Product Category) which allow the user to select a page/post to display for the Product section
- Selecting Product, Product Category as Content Type allows the user to select a Product and Product Category to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected for the Section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Product, Product Category) which allow the user to select a page/post to display for the Product section
- Button Link: This setting sets the Link for the button.
- Button Label: This is the label for the button for the products section.
Full Promo Section
In this section, the user can set / Customize the Full Promo Section.
- To configure the Full Promo Section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Full Promo Section.
- In this section panel, you can Enable/Disable the Full Promo Section to display the section on the Frontpage otherwise disable it to hide.
- Right after enabling the Full Promo Section, you can set the following settings:
- Title: In this setting, you can add a title for the promo section.
- Content: In this setting, you can set content for the promo section.
- Background Image: This setting allows you to add a background image for the section.
- Enable Overlay: This setting allows the user to enable overlay in the Full Promo section.
Enable Dark Content: This setting allows the user to enable dark content in the Full Promo section.
- Button label: This setting allows the user to set the button label for the Section.
- Button Link: This setting sets the Link for the button.
Featured Products
In this section, you can set/Customize the Featured Products Section.
- To configure the Featured Products Section, you need to go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Featured Products Section.
- In this section panel, you can Enable/Disable the Featured Products Section to Display/Fide the Featured Products Section. After enabling the Featured Products Section, the user can see the following options:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the Featured Products Section.
- Section Text: This setting allows the user to set the Section Text content of the Featured Products Section.
- Select a content type: page or post for the Featured Products section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options ( Product, product category ) which allow the user to select a page/post to display as a Featured Products.
- Selecting Product / Product category as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Product / Product Category ) to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page as a Featured Products.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options ( Product, product category ) which allow the user to select a page/post to display as a Featured Products.
- Button label: This setting allows the user to set the button label for the Section.
- Button Link: This setting sets the Link for the button.
- Enable Advertisement Section: In this section panel, you can Enable/Disable the Advertisement Section to Display in the Featured Product Section. After enabling the Advertisement Section, the user can see the following options:
- Advertisement Image: This setting allows the user to set advertisement images.
- Advertisement Image Url: This setting allows the user to set the advertisement image Url.
Blog Section
In this section, you can customize the blog section.
- To configure the Blog section, you need to navigate to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Blog Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable the section to display the Blog section on the frontpage and disable the section to Hide the Blog section on the frontpage. After enabling the Blog Section, the user will see the following options:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the section.
- Section Text: This setting allows the user to set the title for the section.
- Select a content type: page or post for the Blog Section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Post or Category) which allow the user to select a post to display as a Blog Section.
- Selecting Post/Category as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing post/ category) to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page as a Banner. *After selecting the desired content type as post/category, you can now set the following section for the blog:
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Post or Category) which allow the user to select a post to display as a Blog Section.
- Button label: This setting allows the user to set the button label for the Section.
- Button Link: This setting sets the Link for the button.
CTA Section
In this section, you can set/ customize the CTA section.
- To configure the CTA section, you need to go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > CTA Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable/Disable the CTA section to display/Hide the CTA Section. After enabling the CTA section, the user will see the following options:
- Enable Section Overlay: This setting allows the user to enable overlay in the CTA section. ( this setting is only available if Background Image is selected ).
Enable Dark Content: This setting allows the user to enable dark content in the CTA section. ( this setting is only available if Background Image is selected ).
- Background Image: This setting allows you to add a background Image for the CTA Section.
- Section Subtitle: This setting allows the user to set the title for the CTA section.
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the CTA section.
- Content: This setting will include the setting to set the content for the CTA section.
- Button label: This setting allows the user to set the button label for the Section
- Button Link: This setting sets the Link for the button.
*Note: Click on Publish to save the changes.