Banner Slider Section
You can set the banner pages/posts and set different other options for the banner Slider section.
- In order to configure the Banner Slider Section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Banner Slider Section.
- In this section pane, you can Enable/Disable the Banner section to display Banner on the Frontpage otherwise disable to hide.
- Right after enabling the Banner Slider Section, you can set the following settings:
- Select a content type: page or post for the Banner section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, Or Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display as a Banner
- Selecting Page/Post as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing post/ page) to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page as a Banner.*After selecting the desired content type as page/ post you can now set the following section for the banner:
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, Or Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display as a Banner
- Button Label: You can set the label for the button.
- Button Link: You can set the link for the button.
- Select a content type: page or post for the Banner section.
Service Section
In this section, you can set/ customize the Service section.
- To configure the Service section, you need to set the homepage layout to the required Layout then you can navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Service Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable/Disable the Service section to display/Hide the Service Section. After enabling the Service Section, the user will see the following options:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the Service section.
- Section Short Description: In this setting you can add a short description to display on the Service section.
- Button label: This setting allows the user to set the button label for the Section.
- Button Link: This setting sets the Link for the button.
- Select a content type: In this settings you can select a page or post for the Service section
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, And Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display on the Service Section.
- Selecting Pages/Posts as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing posts/ pages) or category to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page for the Service Section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, And Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display on the Service Section.
About Section
In this section, you can Customize the about section.
- To configure the About section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options> About Section.
- In this section panel, you can Enable/Disable the about section to Display/Hide the About section on the home page. After enabling the About section, the user will see the following options:
- Select a content type: You can select a page or post to display on the About section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, and Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display for the About section
- Selecting Page/Post as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing posts/ pages) to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page for the About Section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, and Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display for the About section
- Button Label: This setting allows the user to set the label for the button.
- Select a content type: You can select a page or post to display on the About section.
Features Section
In this section, you can set/ customize the Features section.
- To configure the Features section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Features Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable/Disable the Features section to Display/Hide the Features Section. After enabling the Features section, the user will see the following options:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the Features section.
- Section Subtitle: This setting allows the user to set the subtitle for the Features section.
- Section Image: This setting allows you to set image for the Features Section.
- Number of items to show: This setting will include the number of posts/ pages to display.
- Description length (Words): This setting allows you to set the length of the Features section posts.
- Select a content type: In this settings you can select a page or post for the Features Section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, and Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display on the Features section.
- Selecting Pages/Posts as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing posts/ pages) or category to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page for the Features Section.
Gallery Section
In this section, you can customize the Gallery section.
- To configure the Gallery section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Gallery Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable the section to display the Gallery Section on the homepage, Disable it to Hide the Section on the homepage. After enabling the Gallery Section, section, you can see the following options:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the Title for the section.
- Section Text: This setting allows the user to set the content for the section.
- Number of Posts to Show: This section will allow the user to set the number of posts to display for the section.
- Select a content type: In this settings you can select a page or post for the Gallery section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, and Post) which allow the user to select a page/post/ Category to display for the Gallery section.
- Selecting Pages/Posts as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing posts/ pages)/ Category to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page/category for the Gallery Section
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, and Post) which allow the user to select a page/post/ Category to display for the Gallery section.
- Button label: This setting allows the user to set the button label for the Section
- Button Link: This setting sets the Link for the button.
Team Section
In this section, you can set/ customize the team section.
- To configure the Team section, you need to set the homepage layout to the required Layout then you can navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Team Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable/Disable the team section to display/Hide the Team Section. After enabling the Team section, the user will see the following options:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the Team section.
- Section Text: This setting allows the user to set the section Text for the Team Section.
- Number of items to show: This setting will include the number of posts/ pages to display.
- Select a content type: page or post for the Team section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, and Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display on the Team section
- Selecting Pages/Posts as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing posts/ pages) to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page for the Team Section. *After selecting the content type as pages/posts user needs to select the following:
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, and Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display on the Team section
- Select Designation: This setting allows the user to set the Designation of the team members.
- Social links: This setting allows the users to set the social link of the selected team members.
- Button label: This setting allows the user to set the button label for the Section
- Button Link: This setting sets the Link for the button.
Blog Section
In this section, you can customize the Blog Section.
- To configure the Blog Section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Blog Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable the section to display the Blog section on the homepage and disable the section to Hide the Blog section on the homepage. After enabling the Blog Section, the user will see the following options:
- Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the section.
- Section Text: This setting allows the user to set the title for the section.
- Number of Posts to Show: This setting will allow the user to set the number of posts to display.
- Description length (Words): This setting allows you to set the length of the Blog Section’s content in words.
- Select a content type: In this settings, you can select a page or post for the Blog Section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Post, and Category) which allow the user to select a page/post to display on the Blog Section.
- Selecting Posts/Category as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing posts/ pages) or category to display to get the content of that selected post/page for the Blog Section.
- Content Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Post, and Category) which allow the user to select a page/post to display on the Blog Section.
- Button label: This setting allows the user to set the button label for the Section.
- Button Link: This setting sets the Link for the button.
Newsletter Section
In this section, you can customize the Newsletter section.
- To configure the Newsletter section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Newsletter Section.
- In this section panel, you can enable the section to display the Newsletter section on the homepage and disable the section to Hide the Newsletter section on the homepage. After enabling the Newsletter Section, the user will see the following options:
- Section Title: This section allows the user to set the section title for the Newsletter section.
- Content: This section allows the user to set the content for the Newsletter section.
- Background Color: This section allows users to set the color for the background of the Newsletter section.
- Background Image: This section allows the user to set the background image for the section.
*Note: Click on Publish to save the changes.