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Frontpage Options

How to Manage Front Page Options – Homepage Sortable

  • To configure the Home Page Sortable Section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Home Page Sortable.
  • This home page layout panel will include:
    • Homepage Sortable: In Homepage Sortable you will see section lists – in this Front Page Option you can change the order of all the sections. E.g.: If you want the “Banner” section below the “Categories” section, you can drag the hamburger icon from the Associate section and drop it below the Counter Section.

Banner Section

You can set the banner to pages/posts and set different other options for the banner section.

  • To configure the Banner Section, you need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Banner Section.
  • In this section pane, you can Enable/Disable the Banner section to display the Banner on the Frontpage otherwise disable it to hide.
  • Right after enabling the Banner Section,  you can set the following settings:
    • Banner Style: This setting allows you to select between two different styles for the banner. You can select the preferred banner style for your banner.
      • Style 1:  The Banner Section will look like this:

      • Style 2: The Banner Section will look like this:

      • Style 3: The Banner Section will look like this:

    • Number of Posts to Show: You can set the number of slides to display in the banner section. *Note: Please input the valid number and save. Then refresh the page to see the change.
    • Enable Autoplay: You can enable this setting to enable autoplay for the banner slider.
    • Select a Banner Slider Content-Type: Page / Post / Category /Recent for the Banner section.
      • Content-Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, Or Post) that allow the user to select a page/post to display as a Banner
        • Selecting Page/Post/Category/Recent as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing post/ page)/ Category/Recent to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page as a Banner.
    • Top Pick Section (*Note: This setting/section is only visible in style 1 and style 3).
      • Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the section.
      • Number of Posts to Show: This setting will allow the user to set the number of posts to display.
      • Select Content Type: Page / Post / Category / Recent for the top pick section.
        • Content-Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, Or Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display.
          • Selecting Page/Post/Category as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing post/ page)/ Category/ Recent to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page for the section.

Posts Grid Section:

You can set the pages/posts/category/Recent for the post grid Section and set different other options for the Posts Grid Section.

  • To configure the Post Grid Section. You need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Post Grid Section.
  • In this section panel, you can Enable/Disable the Posts Grid section to display Posts on the Frontpage otherwise disable it to hide.
  • After enabling the Posts Grid Section,  you can set the following settings:
    • Select Style: This setting allows you to select between two different styles for the Posts Grid Section. You can select the preferred style for the section.
      • Style 1: This Posts Grid Style will look like this:

      • Style 2: This Posts Grid Style will look like this:

    • Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the section.
    • Number of Posts to Show: This setting will allow the user to set the number of posts to display.
    • Select Content Type: Page / Post / Category / Recent for the Post Grid section.
      • Content-Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, Or Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display for the section.
        • Selecting Page/Post/Category as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing post/ page)/ Category/ Recent to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page.

Categories Section:

You can set the pages/posts/category for the Categories Section and set different other options for the Categories Section.

  • To configure the Categories Section. You need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Categories Section.
  • In this section pane, you can Enable/Disable the Categories section to display on the Frontpage otherwise disable it to hide.
  • Right after enabling the Categories Section,  you can set the following settings:
    • Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the section.
    • Section Subtitle: This setting allows the user to set the subtitle for the section.
    • Select Style: This setting allows you to select between two different styles for the categories. You can select the preferred style for your categories section.
      • Style 1:  This Category style will look like this:

      • Style 2: This Category style will look like this:

    • Select Column Layout: You can set the column as per your design.
    • Number of Categories: This setting will allow the user to set the number of posts to display.
    • Select Content Type: Page / Post / Category for the Categories section.
      • Content-Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, Or Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display.
        • Selecting Page/Post/Category as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing post/ page)/ Category to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page for the section.

Post Carousel Section

You can set the pages/posts/category for the Carousel Section and set different other options for the Post Carousel Section.

  • To configure the Post Carousel Section. You need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Post Carousel Section.
  • In this section pane, you can Enable/Disable the Post Carousel section to display on the Frontpage otherwise disable it to hide.
  • Right after enabling the Post Carousel Section,  you can set the following settings:
    • Select Style: This setting allows you to select between two different styles for the post carousel, you can select the preferred style for your carousel section.
      • Style 1:  This carousel style will look like this:

      • Style 2: This carousel style will look like this:

    • Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the section.
    • Section Subtitle: This setting allows the user to set the subtitle for the section.
    • Number of Posts to Show: This setting will allow the user to set the number of posts to display.
    • Enable Slider Autoplay: You can enable this setting to enable autoplay for the post carousel.
    • Select Content Type: Page / Post / Category / Recent for the Carousel section.
      • Content-Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, Or Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display.
        • Selecting Page/Post/Category as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing post/ page)/ Category/ Recent to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page for the section.


Editor’s Pick Section

You can set the pages/posts/category for the Editor’s Pick Section and set different other options for the Editor Pick Section.

  • To configure the Editor Pick Section. You need to navigate from Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Options > Editor Pick Section.
  • In this section pane, you can Enable/Disable the Editor Pick section to display Posts on the Frontpage otherwise disable it to hide.
  • After enabling the Editor’s Pick Section,  you can set the following settings:
    • Select Style: This setting allows you to select between two different styles for the editor pick Section. You can select the preferred style for the section.
      • Style 1: This Editor’s Pick Style will look like this:

      • Style 2: This Editor’s Pick Style will look like this:

    • Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the section.
    • Section Subtitle: This setting allows the user to set the subtitle for the section.
    • Number of Posts to Show: This setting will allow the user to set the number of posts to display.
    • Select Content Type: Page / Post / Category / Recent for the Editor’s Pick section.
      • Content-Type: This setting allows you to select the kind of content to choose from. It contains select options (Pages, Or Post) which allow the user to select a page/post to display for the section.
        • Selecting Page/Post/Category/Recent as Content Type allows you to select a page/post (Existing post/ page)/ Category/ Recent to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page.

Shortcode Field

This setting allows the user to add the shortcode to display a specific function or content.

  • In this section panel, you can Enable/Disable the Shortcode section to display on the Frontpage otherwise disable it to hide.
  • After enabling the Shortcode Section,  you can set the following settings:
    • Section Title:  You can enter any shortcode here to display a specific function or content.

*Note: Click on Publish to save the changes.

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