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  2. Ascendoor FSE Pro
  3. Getting Started
  4. Recommended Plugins

Recommended Plugins

When you activate the theme on your WordPress site, a message “Begin by installing the plugins” will appear at the top of your back-end screen.

  1. To install the plugins, you only need to click on the “Begin installing plugins” button and install recommended plugins individually.
  2. You can also install your plugins, from plugins > Add new > Upload Plugins.
  3. If you do not wish to use a plugin, you can simply dismiss the message because the theme functions without plugins.

Recommended plugins for this theme are:

Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks: Kadence Blocks adds custom blocks and options to extend Gutenberg’s editing capabilities so you can easily create stunning websites – no code required. Kadence Blocks is your toolkit that makes the WordPress block editor capable of creating beautiful content that’s usually only possible through page builder plugins. Each block is crafted with care with regard to performance, accessibility, and extensibility.

WooCommerce: The Woocommerce plugin creates beautiful, enticing storefronts with themes suited to your brand and industry.

*Note: To achieve the same appearance as shown in the demonstration, it is necessary to enable the suggested plugins. If the plugins are not activated, the section constructed with those plugins will not function correctly.

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