How to Manage Theme Options – Header Options
In this theme option, you can customize the Header options.
- Navigate from Customize > Theme Options > Header Options.
- In the Header Options there are the following settings:
- Enable Topbar: The Topbar menu can be enabled/disabled using these options.
- Enable Date: You can Enable/Disable this option to Display /Hide the Date at the topbar.
- Enable Theme Mode Switch: You can Enable/Disable this option to Display /Hide the Theme mode Switch at the topbar.
- Advertisement: In this setting, you can set an advertisement image to appear in the header.
- Advertisement URL: In this setting, you can set the URL for the advertisement image above.
Theme Layout Options
In this option, you can enable/disable the box layout for the whole website.
- Navigate from Customize > Theme Options > Theme Layout Options.
- In the Theme Layout Options Setting, there you can see the option to enable or disable the box layout.
- The Box layout looks like the following:
Frontpage Sidebar Position:
In this theme option, you can customize the Frontpage Sidebar Position.
- Navigate from Customize > Theme Options > Frontpage Sidebar Position.
- In the Frontpage Sidebar Position Setting, there you can set the position of the sidebar on the front page.
- Frontpage Sidebar Position: This option is for Frontpage Sidebar Position. You can choose to set the sidebar position to either the Right sidebar or Left sidebar.
- Frontpage Right Sidebar:
- Frontpage Sidebar Position: This option is for Frontpage Sidebar Position. You can choose to set the sidebar position to either the Right sidebar or Left sidebar.
- Frontpage Left Sidebar:
In this theme options setting, you can change the fonts of the site. In order to do so, follow the following steps:
- Navigate from the Customize > Theme Options > Typography.
- You will see different font-family options for different sections.
- Site Title Font Family: This setting will allow you to easily change the fonts of the site title by selecting the font family among the various option.
- Site Description Font Family: This setting will allow you to easily change the fonts of the site’s description by selecting the font family among the various option.
- Header Font Family: This setting will allow you to easily change the fonts of the Header of your site by selecting the font family among the various option.
- Body Font Family: This setting will allow you to easily change the fonts of the site Body section by selecting the font family among the various option.
In this theme option, you can set the Excerpt Length for the archive, and blog posts-set the number of words you want to display.
- Navigate through the Customize > Theme Options > Excerpt.
- In the Excerpt Option user will see the following options:
- Excerpt Length (No. of Words): This option will allow you to set the excerpt length.
- Read more text: This option allows the user to set a Read More text for posts.
Page Loader
In this option, you can set the loader on the screen while the rest of the page’s content is still loading.
- You can customize this setting from Customize > Theme Options > Page Loader.
- In the Page loader setting there you can Enable/Disable the loader then:
*After enabling Page Loader, you will see the following option:
- Loader Style: This setting allows you to select the loading loader style.
In this theme option, you can enable/disable Breadcrumb and set a separator for breadcrumbs.
- Navigate from the Customize > Theme Options > Breadcrumbs .
- In the breadcrumb settings, enable the toggle button for Breadcrumbs.
*After enabling the breadcrumbs setting, then you will see the following options
- Separator: You can set any separator here for the breadcrumbs, the breadcrumbs will be displayed on any page or post.
Archive Layout
In this theme option, you can choose the layout of the Archives.
- Navigate from the Customize > Theme Options > Archive Layout.
- In the Archive Layout option, you will see the following settings:
- Post Display Style: This option allows you to select whether to display posts in the archive as a List or Grid layout.
- Grid: If you select to display the posts as Grid Layout—you can set the grid style.
- Grid Style: In this setting, you can select the number of columns for the grid layout. You can select between:
- Column 1: This setting will display the archive page in a grid with a single column.
- Grid Style: In this setting, you can select the number of columns for the grid layout. You can select between:
- Grid: If you select to display the posts as Grid Layout—you can set the grid style.
- Post Display Style: This option allows you to select whether to display posts in the archive as a List or Grid layout.
- Column 2: This setting will display the archive page in a grid of two-column.
- Column 3: This setting will display the archive page in a grid in three columns.
- List: If you select to display the posts as List Layout—you can set the List style.
- List Style: In this setting, you can select the list style between:
- Image Left Aligned: In this setting, the image will be left-aligned.
- List Style: In this setting, you can select the list style between:
- List: If you select to display the posts as List Layout—you can set the List style.
- Image Right Aligned: In this setting, the image will be Right aligned.
- Image Alternate Aligned: In this setting, the image will be alternatively aligned.
- Masonry:
Sidebar Position
In this theme option, you can choose the layout of the sidebar based on the page/posts.
- Navigate from the Customize > Theme Options > Sidebar Position.
- In the Sidebar Position Setting, you will see the following settings:
- Global Sidebar Position: This option is for Global Sidebar Position. You can choose to set the sidebar position to either the Right sidebar, or Left sidebar, or No Sidebar layout. This will overrule the following settings (if set after setting the following).
- Posts Sidebar Position: This option is for Posts Sidebar Position. You can choose to set the sidebar position to either the Right sidebar, or Left sidebar, or No Sidebar layout.
- Pages Sidebar Position: This option is for Pages Sidebar Position. You can choose to set the sidebar position to either the Right sidebar, or Left sidebar, or No Sidebar layout.
Post Options
In this theme option, you can Enable/Disable to Display/Hide different post options on the posts page.
- Navigate from the Customize > Theme Options > Post Options.
- In the Post Options settings, you will see the enable toggle button for different categories, it includes the following settings:
- Hide Date: This option allows you to Hide/Show the date displayed on the single post and post page.
- Hide Author: The option allows you to Hide/Show the author on the single post and post page. *Note: With this setting enabled, the Hide Author Info setting will be hidden.
- Hide Category: This option allows you to Hide/Show the category assigned in the single post and post page.
- Hide Tag: This option allows you to Hide/Show the tag assigned in the single post and post page.
- Hide Related Posts: This option allows the user to enable/ disable the related post on all single posts.
- Related Posts Label: This option allows the user to set the label for the related post’s title.
- Posts Orderby: This option allows the user to display related posts in a particular order. You can select either a random arrangement or display the latest posts in the recent posts section.
In this theme option, you can Enable/Disable the pagination option to Show or hide the pagination on the post page.
- Navigate the pagination from Customize > Theme Options > Pagination.
- After enabling Pagination, its settings will include the following options:
- Pagination type: In this option, you can select the pagination type from the following options:
- Numeric: You can select this option for the numeric pagination option.
- Older Posts/Newer Posts: This is the Default pagination option, you can select this pagination option for the older/ newer post option.
- Infinite Scroll: You can select this option to show an infinite number of posts on scroll.
- Pagination type: In this option, you can select the pagination type from the following options:
Footer Options
In the footer options, you can edit/remove the default text from the footer and can Set/Add your new signature text in the ‘Copyright Text’ section.
- To configure the Footer Widget, you need to navigate to Admin Panel > Appearance > Widgets > Footer options.
- You can also Navigate from Customize > Theme Options > Pagination.
- You can customize your footer copyright text and scroll up button in this theme settings.
In this setting you can set :
- Copyright Text: You can change the Copyright text in this setting.
- Enable Display of Scroll Top Button: You can easily enable/disable this option to display/hide the scroll to the top button.
*Note: Click on Publish to save the changes.