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Widgets Overview

Ascendoor Author Info Widget

In this section, you can Customize the Author Info Widget.

  • To configure the Author Info Widget, you need to navigate from  Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Widget > Widgets Section.
  • In this Widget Section panel, you can select the section where you want to display the Author Info Widget.
  • After selecting the widget section Click on the Add a Widget button then select the Ascendoor Author Info Widget, the user will see the following options:
      • Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the Author Info Widget.
      • Author Name: This setting allows the user to set the Author Name.
      • Description: This setting allows the user to set the description of the author.
      • Author Image URL: This setting allows users to upload an author image for the author info widget.
      • Open in New Tab: You can check the checkbox if you want the social links to open in a new tab instead of the same tab.
      • Social Links: Here you can add authors’ social links for easier contact.

Ascendoor Posts Slider Widget

In this section, you can Customize the Ascendoor Posts Slider Widget.

  • To configure the Posts Slider Widget, you need to navigate from  Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Widget > Widgets Section.
  • In this section panel, you can select the section where you want to display the Posts Slider Widget.
  • After selecting the widget section Click on the Add a Widget button then select the Ascendoor Posts Slider Widget, the user will see the following options:
      • Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the first Posts Slider Widget.
      • Number of posts to displace or pass over: This setting allows the user to exclude the number of posts from the selected category that the user would like to displace or pass over.
      • Selecting Category: You can select the first category – select an Existing Category to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page for the Posts Slider Widget.

Ascendoor Trending Posts Carousel Widget

In this section, you can Customize the Posts Carousel Widget.

  • To configure the Posts Carousel Widget, you need to navigate from  Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Widget > Widgets Section. 
  • In this section panel, you can select the section where you want to display the Posts Carousel Widget.
  • After selecting the widget section Click on the Add a Widget button then select the Ascendoor Posts Carousel Widget, the user will see the following options:
      • Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the first Posts Carousel Widget.
      • Number of posts to displace or pass over: This setting allows the user to exclude the number of posts from the selected category that the user would like to displace or pass over.
      • Selecting Category: You can select the first category – select an Existing Category to display the title, featured image, and content of that selected post/page for the Posts Carousel Widget.

Ascendoor Social Icons

In this section, you can Customize the Social Icons Widget.

  • To configure the Social Icons Widget, you need to navigate from  Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Widget > Widgets Section.
  • In this section panel, you can select the section where you want to display the Social Icons Widget.
  • After selecting the widget section Click on the Add a Widget button then select the Ascendoor Social Icons Widget, the user will see the following options:
      • Section Title: This setting allows the user to set the title for the first Social Icons Widget.
      • Select Menu: This setting allows the user to select the social menu for this section.


*Note: Click on Publish to save the changes.

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